Friday 27 April 2012

Cyber Security Bill 2012 by US Congress.Hardpaper

The United States Congress has passed a cybersecurity bill2012,which is very controversial in allover,According to US President Office representative that this may be vedo by president because of its controversial.The house of representative has passed this bill on thursady,according to this bill the us government and cyber securites firm can pass information of any web/net user and files.This bill is called CISPA(Cyber intelligence securites and protection Act).

CISPA is threatning the rights of the people of USA and allover the world.because what happne in america tends to effect people all over the world"Said by Tim Berners Lee(Web Inventr)Eventhough the SOPA& PIPA acts were stopped by huge people outcry & both were stoped by US Governments.but it is very strangeful that how quickly the american government is comming back for new one which is CISPA,threat to the rights of the citizens.

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